Are you looking to achieve a 4.0+ GPA

while still finding time for the things you love?

Join the CommAdvantage Weekly support program.

Our week-by-week online tutorials are available for Accounting, Economics, Finance, Statistics and Operations! We structure our sessions to keep you on top of your courses and prevent cramming before an exam. These are small group sessions lead by Doulton. 

Stay ahead of the curve.

Be prepared for your assignments and exams

Learn to be efficient in your studying


What's Included in Our Weekly Programming

Summary Notes

Save time and stay on track with our coveted weekly summary notes. Never doubt what you should be studying.

Weekly Tutorial

Each week we breakdown the relevant course concepts into practical, easy to follow processes.

Practice Questions

We carefully craft extra practice questions to efficiently prepare you for assignments and exams.

Weekly Q&A

Your course guru (usually Doulton) is available to answer questions by email, messenger or at a Q&A session. 

Mock Exams

The best way to prepare for an exam is through a mock exam. Our mock exams will help you know what to expect  on an exam and will help you develop your test taking skills. 

Exam Review

 Before your midterm and final we will review and practice all the key concepts.

Our signature study packs are the gold standard in exam prep. 

Learning Community

Never feel alone in your learning process. Our students work together to challenge and support each other.  We facilitate a collaborative online community. 

Exam Check Ins

Connect one-on-one with Doulton before exams to ensure you have the skills and confidence to get the grade you want. We will make sure you are focused on the critical tasks. 

What our students say...

First-Year Courses 

First Semester

  • Comm 111 - Financial Accounting
  • Comm 161 - Mathematical Analysis
  • Comm 171 - Principals of Economics for Business*

Second Semester

  • Comm 112 - Management Accounting
  • Comm 162 - Managerial Statistics
  • Comm 172 - Managerial Economics*


Second-Year Courses 

First Semester

  • Comm 121 - Finance
  • Comm 163 - Business Decision Modelling

Second Semester

  • Comm 122 - Finance II

Third-Year Courses 

First Semester

  • Comm 341 - Operations Management

Second Semester

  • Comm 341 - Operations Management

*exam prep sessions only

First-Year Support

Comm 111 Weekly Tutorial


Financial Accounting

Includes the Weekly Tutorial and exam review sessions for Comm 111.

  • Your class summarized in 6 pages each week
  • On-demand lessons that cover key topics in a fraction of the time as class
  • Choose from 3 live sessions each week to practice the critical questions you need to know for assignments and exams
  • A group chat to provide support and guidance outside of the weekly sessions
  • Up to FOUR 1:1 Sessions to keep you on track
  • Mock exams
  • So much more 
Enroll in Just Accounting

Complete Support Package


Everything you need for first year

Includes the Weekly Tutorials for Comm 111 and Comm 161. Includes the exam review sessions for Comm 111, Comm 161 and Comm 171.

  • Your classes summarized in 6 pages each week
  • On-demand lessons that cover key topics in a fraction of the time as class
  • Choose from 3 live sessions each week to practice the critical questions you need to know for assignments and exams
  • A group chat to provide support and guidance outside of the weekly sessions
  • Up to EIGHT 1:1 Sessions to keep you on track
  • Mock exams
  • So much more
Get Support in All 3 Classes

Comm 161 Weekly Tutorial



Includes the Weekly Tutorial and exam review sessions for Comm 161.

  • Your class summarized in 6 pages each week
  • On-demand lessons that cover key topics in a fraction of the time as class
  • Choose from 3 live sessions each week to practice the critical questions you need to know for assignments and exams
  • A group chat to provide support and guidance outside of the weekly sessions
  • Up to FOUR 1:1 Sessions to keep you on track
  • Mock exams
  • So much more
Enroll in Just Calculus

Second-Year Support

Comm 121 Weekly Support


Finance I

Includes the Weekly Support and exam review for Comm 121.

  • Summary notes for each topic
  • On-demand lessons that cover key topics in a fraction of the time as class
  • Walkthroughs of each problem type
  • A group chat to provide support and guidance outside of the weekly sessions
  • Mock exams
  • Midterm and Final Exam Review

Most importantly: Weekly homework review. Each week, you submit your homework to us and we will provide video feedback to help you understand exactly where you went wrong.

Enrol in Just Finance

Complete Second-Year Support Package


Save $220

Includes the Weekly Support and exam review for Comm 121 and Comm 163.

  • Summary notes for each topic
  • On-demand lessons that cover key topics in a fraction of the time as class
  • Walkthroughs of each problem type
  • A group chat to provide support and guidance outside of the weekly sessions
  • Mock exams
  • Midterm and Final Exam Review

Most importantly: Weekly homework review. Each week, you submit your homework to us and we will provide video feedback to help you understand exactly where you went wrong.

Get Support in Both Classes

Comm 163 Weekly Tutorial


Business Decision Modelling

Includes the Weekly Support and exam review for Comm 163.

  • Summary notes for each topic
  • On-demand lessons that cover key topics in a fraction of the time as class
  • Walkthroughs of each problem type
  • A group chat to provide support and guidance outside of the weekly sessions
  • Mock exams
  • Midterm and Final Exam Review

Most importantly: Weekly homework review. Each week, you submit your homework to us and we will provide video feedback to help you understand exactly where you went wrong.

Enrol in Just BDM

Third-Year Support

Comm 341 Weekly Tutorial


This is a live weekly tutorial taking place Thursdays 11:45 - 12:45. 

  • Summary notes for each topic
  • Weekly live lessons where YOU will be solving questions and making sure operations is making sense to you.
  • Weekly Homework review. You HAVE to do the work in this class. I need you to show up for yourself in an honest way. You show up for you and I will show up for you as well! Each week I will provide video feedback of your homework.
  • A group chat to provide support and guidance outside of the weekly sessions
  • Mock exams
  • Midterm and Final Exam Review

We will also be prepping for your ops cases so that you can knock out a case in an afternoon instead of a week!

I'm in!